We talk with guest Carolina Krawarik-Graham on how to have difficult conversations around race and equality, as well as how to confront the unconscious biases hiding in our own minds. Listen in here.
Here are links to the authors and resources we mentioned in this episode: Geert Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory (Wikipedia has a pretty good overview) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hofstede%27s_cultural_dimensions_theory White Supremacy Culture – Tema Okun (two similar versions) http://www.cwsworkshop.org/PARC_site_B/dr-culture.html and http://dismantlingracism.org/Dismantling_Racism/liNKs_files/whitesupcul09.pdf The White Ladder - Tema Okun http://www.cwsworkshop.org/pdfs/CARC/White_Identity/4_Life_Long_Journey.PDF Tema Okun The Emperor Has No Clothes What is White Supremacy? by Elizabeth "Betita" Martinez The Culture of White Supremacy by Sharon Martinas A few quick tips for countering oppression ~ Don't make and/or Challenge your assumptions. Eric Law talks about how ~ Ask Questions - Demonstrate “Holy Curiosity” ~ Be mindful of your (white, male, economic, relational, educated, accredited, clergy, professional, hetero, cis, "been around for forever", etc.) privilege in any given interaction and/or space and think about how to best equalize the power dynamic. ~ Consider that everyone has more identities (and history) than you're aware of. No one is just a race + gender expression + orientation. Our identities are infinite. ~ Welcome discomfort. There's so much more opportunity there. ~ Be mindful of how much space you claim, and what that might mean for others. ~ Don't touch people (or things) without explicit consent. Not everyone responds to touch the same way, not all "friendly" touch is appropriate. ~ Be mindful of your language and that there may be someone within earshot to whom it may be exclusionary/hurtful. ~ Try to Listen more than you speak. ~ When you speak, speak (only) for yourself (unless requested to speak for a group). ~ Don't make a member of a marginalized group responsible for your education about issues of marginalization and oppression. Seek out those allied people and groups (like ARE) dedicated to helping with that. ~ Be aware that your intent will not always = the impact of your words & actions. ~ Try not to take things personally. ~ Be open to learning. ~ Exercise humility. ~ Remember that not everyone has the same information! Share respectfully if you have the opportunity. **** Kardinal König's Dialogregeln ~ Cardinal König's rules of dialogue: {this is written by a catholic cardinal as an authentic expression of his faith. We understand many people do not identify as christian; and for those who have an "allergy" to christian terminology, we suggest imagining appropriate replacements. Try "wise activists" instead of "christians" & "liberation" instead of "christ". ;) } Erste Regel: Der Dialog is Keine Preisgabe der Wahrheit Christen wissen, auf welchem Grund sie stehen. Für Christen ist Christus der weg und die Wahrheit. Das ist kein grund zur Überheblichkeit, sondern zur Furchtlosigkeit. Rule #1 Dialogue (to have dialogue / to be in conversation) is no surrender of the Truth: Christians know on what ground they stand. For Christians, Christ is the way and the truth. This is no reason for arrogance/oppression, but for fearlessness/courage. Zweite Regel: Der Dialog ist keine bloße Konfrontation von Ideologien Christen wollen sich in ihrer Wahrheit nicht abkapseln, sondern sich der Welt als Gesprächspartner öffnen, mit allen Risiken und Chancen eines solchen Gesprächsprozesses. Sie erhoffen aber dasselbe von ihren Gesprächspartnern. Rule #2 Dialogue is not a simple confrontation of ideologies: Christians do not wish to encapsulate/isolate/closet themselves in their truth, but to offer themselves into the world as partners in conversation, with all the risks and potentialities of such a conversational process. They hope the same of their conversational partners. Dritte Regel: Der Dialog ist nicht bloße Taktik Christen setzen in einem Vertrauenvorschuss bei ihren Gesprächspartnern dieselbe Intellektuelle Redlichkeit voraus, die sie selbst einsetzen. Der Dialog darf nicht missbraucht werden. Sein Ziel sollte aber immer die Suche nach dem kleinsten gemeinsamen Nenner sein, auf dem man weiterbauen kann. Rule #3 Dialogue is not (just) a simple tactic: Christians put forth a trust in their conversational partners, to have the same intellectual honesty/capacity/approachability that they establish for themselves. Dialogue may/must not be misused/abused. Its aim/goal should always be the search for even the smallest common ground/denominator, on which one can then build on. Vierte Regel: Der Dialog ist keine bloß theoretische Debatte Der Dialog muss immer auch praktische Konsequenzen haben. Aus geistigen Erkentnissen muß man früher oder später konkrete Schlussfolgerungen ziehen. Rule #4 Dialogue is not a simple theoretical debate: Dialogue must always (and does) have practical consequences. Through/From spiritual understanding/epiphanies/revelations, one must, sooner or later, draw concrete conclusions. Fuenfte Regel: Der Dialog ist ein Abenteuer Denn nichts ist bereichernder, aber auch aufregender, als die Begegnung mit anderen Menschen und ihren Gedanken. Christen können dabei ganz furchtlos sein, denn sie wissen: der eigentliche Gesprächsleiter wird immer Gott sein. Rule #5 Dialogue is an adventure! To be in conversation is to have an adventure: Because nothing is more rewarding, but also frustrating/unsettling, than the/an encounter with other people and their thoughts. Christians can be completely fearless in this because they know: the actual/true/real conversational director/mediator/leader is God.
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